Luo, C., Luo, Q., & Zeng, S. (2022). Bilateral Tax Agreement and FDI Inflows: Evidence from Hong Kong Investment in the Mainland of China. China Economic R...
Nicola Bianchi, Yi Lu, Hong Song(宋弘), The Effect of Computer-Assisted Learning on Students’ Long-Term Development. Journal of Development Economics, f...
近日,复旦大学经济学院陈钊、刘志阔两位老师与杜克大学Xian Jiang、Juan Carlos Suárez Serrato、Daniel Yi Xu共同完成的论文“Tax Policy and Lumpy Investment Behav...
复旦大学经济学院陈硕教授与波士顿大学经济系曹一鸣博士合作论文“Rebel on the Canal: Disrupted Trade Access and Social Conflict in China, 1650–1911”被经济学顶...