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2025年春季讲座课程-Short Courses, Spring Semester 2025

发布日期:2025-01-10  浏览次数:



Pieter A. Gautier Professor, VU University Amsterdam

Course Title: Economics of Searching and Matching

Classroom: Room 714, SOE

TA: Wang Zifang, zifangwang21@m.fudan.edu.cn


9:00-11:30 am Apr 21 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm Apr 21 (Monday)

9:00-11:30 am Apr 22 (Tuesday)

9:00-11:30 am Apr 23 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am Apr 24(Thursday)

9:00-11:30 am Apr 25 (Friday)


Pieter A Gautier是阿姆斯特丹自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)教授,丁伯根研究所研究员。他的主要研究领域为宏观劳动经济学(Macro-labor)、搜寻与匹配经济学(涵盖劳动市场、婚姻市场、房地产市场以及学校志愿分配等领域)、竞争机制(Competing Mechanism)。他的研究成果发表在经济学顶级学术期刊上,如American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of the European Economic Association, RAND Journal of Economics, AEJ: Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Theory, International Economic Review 等。他是CEPR、CES/Ifo和IZA等学术组织的成员,同时也是欧洲SaM(搜寻与匹配)协会的创始人之一,该协会每年举办一次年会,并不定期在欧洲各地举办学术研讨会。他曾担任Journal of the European Economic Association副主编(2009-2015),还曾担任荷兰经济政策分析局(CPB)的科学顾问,帮助设计了荷兰高中学生以及医学院学生的匹配机制。


Jeremy Greenwood Professor, University of Pennsylvania

Course Title: Economics of the Family

Classroom: Room 714, SOE

TA: Wu Quan, 20110680010@fudan.edu.cn


9:00-11:30 am May 12 (Monday)

9:00-11:30 am May 13 (Tuesday)

9:00-11:30 am May 14 (Wednesday)

6:30-9:00 pm May 14 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am May 15 (Thursday)

9:00-11:30 am May 16 (Friday)


Jeremy Greenwood是宾夕法尼亚大学经济学教授,计量经济学会会员、美国国家经济研究局(NBER)研究员以及经济理论促进学会会员。他的文章发表在AER, JPE, RES, QJE, JDE, JME等经济学顶尖杂志上。他的研究领域主要集中在技术进步对经济的多方面影响。Greenwood教授的研究探讨了资本品领域的技术进步如何通过降低投资成本推动经济增长,以及金融市场技术进步如何提高资源配置效率,推动生产力和收入增长。此外,他还关注家庭技术进步对女性劳动力市场参与的影响、婚姻和离婚率的变化,以及避孕技术进步对社会变革的推动作用。他的研究不仅深化了我们对技术进步的理解,也为政策制定提供了重要的理论支持。


Doh Shin Jeon Professor, Toulouse School of Economics

Course Title: Economics of Tying and Digital Platforms

Classroom: Room 805, SOE

TA: Huang Hongzhe, 23110680035@m.fudan.edu.cn


9:00-11:30 am May 6 (Tuesday)

9:00-11:30 am May 7 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am May 8 (Thursday)

9:00-11:30 am May 12 (Monday)

9:00-11:30 am May 13 (Tuesday)

9:00-11:30 am May 14 (Wednesday)


Doh Shin Jeon是图卢兹经济学院的教授,他的研究兴趣涵盖了产业组织、信息技术、知识产权和科学经济学。教学课程包括创新经济学、知识产权经济学、行业监管、竞争与市场策略等。他目前的大部分工作集中在平台经济领域。其文章发表在American Economic Review, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of International Economics等经济学顶尖期刊上。同时他也是法国大学研究所(IUF)的高级成员,英国央行CBDC学术咨询小组的成员,经济政策研究中心(CEPR)的研究员。


Gregory Phelan Associate Professor, Williams College

Course Title: Collateral and Leverage

Classroom: Room 714, SOE

TA: Gao Chengfan, 23110680032@m.fudan.edu.cn


9:00-11:30 am Jun 3 (Tuesday)

9:00-11:30 am Jun 4 (Wednesday)

9:00-11:30 am Jun 5 (Thursday)

9:00-11:30 am Jun 9 (Monday)

6:30-9:00 pm Jun 9 (Monday)

9:00-11:30 am Jun 10 (Tuesday)


Greg Phelan毕业于耶鲁大学经济系(师从John Geanakoplos教授),现任著名的文理学院Williams College经济系副教授(tenured),是金融学领域的新星,已经在Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Economic Journal, AEJMacroInternational Economic Review等期刊发表多篇有影响的论文。

附件【研究生课程教学大纲 Pieter Gautier.docx
附件【研究生课程教学大纲-Jeremy Greenwood.docx
附件【研究生课程教学大纲 Doh-Shin Jeon.docx
附件【研究生课程教学大纲-Gregory Phelan.doc
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发布日期:2025-01-06  浏览次数:

Short Courses by Professors from Overseas 2025

Spring Semester, 2025

Why Did Industrial Revolution Not Happen in China First? 经济学讲座二,ECON830050

Instructor: Debin Ma, Professor of Economic History, University of Oxford

Professor Debin Ma | Faculty of History (ox.ac.uk)

TA: Jiacheng Zhang, 20110680014@fudan.edu.cn

Teaching Schedule:

April 10th and 17th 19:25 – 21:05;

April 4th and 11th 13:30 – 17:05;

April 7th and 14th 18:30 – 21:05, Spring term 2025.

Classroom: H5306, Handan Campus, Fudan University

Instructor’s Bio:

Debin Ma is Professor of Economic History at the University of Oxford. He is also Visiting Professor at the Department of Economic History at London School of Economics and research associate with CEPR. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and had taught in the United States, UK, Japan and China. His research interest includes (1) long-term economic growth in East Asia; (2) international comparison of living standards, human capital and productivity; (3) institutions, legal traditions, long-run growth and global history; and (4) economics of the silk sector. With Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski and published a journal paper ‘From Divergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History behind China’s Economic Boom’ on the Journal of Economic Literature. He is also the co-editor of the forthcoming two volume Cambridge Economic History of China.

附件【Economic history syallabus and reading list Fudan 12-2024.doc
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