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题目:Does TARP Work? A Dynamic Analysis on Banks' Loan to Asset Ratio 主讲人:Shuoxun Zhang, Associate Professor, Southwestern University of Finance and Ec...
题目:Are Lottery Players Driven by Price, Risk, Long Odds or Jackpot Size? Evidence from China Lottery 主讲人:Jia Yuan,Assistant Professor of Business Ec...
题目:CEO Incentive Dynamics and Their Effect on Firm Value 主讲人:Weining Zhang, Assistant professor, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Abstract Lea...
题目:Firing cost and International Business Cycle 主讲人:Juanyi Xu, Assistant Professor, Hongkong University of Science and Technology Abstract The Europ...
题目:Equilibrium Labor Market Search and Health Insurance Reform 主讲人:Hanming, Fang Abstract We empirically implement an equilibrium labor market searc...
题目:Nonparametric Learning Rules from Bandit Experiments: The Eyes Have It! 主讲人:Hu, Yingyao,Assosiate Professor, Johns Hopkins University Abstract H...