马德斌(Debin Ma),1998年于美国北卡罗莱纳大学获得经济学博士,在日本一桥大学做博士后研究,后就职于日本政策研究大学,美国密苏里大学圣路易分校,现为英国伦敦政治经济学院终身副教授, 复旦大学经济学院教授。任2012-2015年国际经济史学大会(International Economic History Association)秘书长和理事。也是亚洲经济史学会(Asian Historical Economics Society)的创办人之一,目前任欧洲经济政策研究中心(CEPR),澳大利亚国立大学,英国华威大学,复旦大学等中心的研究员。
马德斌先生主要研究兴趣为中国以及东亚的长期经济增长、制度与法律对经济增长的影响、中国与东亚其他国家以及欧洲国家长期经济发展的比较,以及国际生活水平比较等方面研究。他的研究曾多次获得美国国家科学基金会及英国LeverhulmTrust等机构赞助,是众多长期经济统计研究项目的重要组成成员。其在Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Economic History等国际知名经济史学期刊上发表数十篇论文,在海内外出版编辑多本专著文集等。近来,马德斌先生担任剑桥大学出版社丛书编辑,主要负责New Approaches to Economic and Social History部分,同时他也是Economic History Review, Explorations in Economic History,Accounting History Review, Frontier of Economics等多家期刊编辑委员会成员。他最近与Loren Brandt 和 ThomasG. Rawski 共同研究并发表了“FromDivergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History behind China’s Economic Boom”一文,刊登在Journal of Economic Literature。
近日,复旦大学经济学院海外优秀学者授课项目邀请到伦敦政治经济学院副教授马德斌做了题为:Why Did Industrial Revolution Not Happen in China First? 的讲座。之后马德斌教授作为经济学院第10期“中国大问题”讲堂演讲嘉宾又给同学们带来了题为:'货币与信用:一个中国的历史故事'的讲座。随后,马德斌教授接受了经济学院新闻信息中心的专访。
I know that your research interest is economic history. History is so important especially in economics field. We have to know what was going on in the past in order to know what's going to be in the future. So I'm curious that how did you choose economic history as your research interest? Could you please introduce your development path of your research?
Well, thank you. That's actually a question I sometimes think about myself. I started without thinking that economic history would be my major. I actually got enrolled in the Economic Department of University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, which happened to be very strong in economic history research. I've always been interested in humanities and reading all kinds of books and so on. I'm not that excited about mathematics and proof. I think initially, even though a topic such as the Needham Puzzle why Industrial Revolution would not happen in China – is very remote, it still attracted me. That's the question got me very interested in economic history research.
You studied in so many countries and cities, first in Shanghai, then in US, then in Japan, and now teach in UK. Did you choose those counties or placesfor purpose, or did those countries choose you?
I'm very fortunate to be able to experience various culture in so many countries. I grew up in Shanghai. It's good to come back here. I've known Fudan University since I was a kid. Initially I went to US at the time when we Chinese students did not have too many choices. So I was very lucky to go abroad to pursue academic study. When I was in US, I became very interested in comparing Japanese and Chinese economic history that why Japanese economics developed so quickly given that Japan shared so many commonalities in culture with China. I did a dissertation on comparing Japanese and Chinese modernization. This is why I went to Japan for my post doctor. Then I came back to US for research and then went to Japan again. After that, a position of LSE opened up, which happened to be a position specialized for Economic History Department. That's very rare and this opportunity does not come very often. In one word, It's not a one-way choice, instead we chose each other.
Based on your international experience, you must have communicated with students all over the world. I wonder that what's the gap between Chinese students and students in US, UK and Japan?
I think we all know there're certain stereotypes that American students are much more active while Asian students are much more passive, which are not necessarily correct or wrong. Education in America promoted active learning, while education in China emphasizes on tools , memorizing, and following the master. Education in China does train people very well in tools and skills. On the other hand, in US and UK, other country's history is in the curriculum. I think it's time for us to educate students to know more about world history and cultures to be much more aware of many differences elsewhere. In many cases, we should also be very respectful about the differences, which is quite important.
As a student, I rarely have access to the historical data or other materials and we can only read the research results of modern researchers. There may be many differences between these results, sometimes completely contradictory, owing to using different historical materials, for example, choosing a different time section,or studying in different research methods. As a beginner, how do you think we should treat these different findings?
When I was teaching in LSE, I tried to emphasize on the way how we apply economic theoryto history. History itself is quite different and it can be unique in different ways. You would read many articles or books which disagree with each other.This is very different from principle of economics. You need to build your own judgments on controversial views. The world is full of contradictions. Economic history or applied economics encourages you to go and look at things yourself. This is something I can tell from my own experience. Before I visit any places, I might have view about that certain place from newspaper. Once I visit that place, I might form a different opinion. Therefore, economic history encourages you to discover things by yourself and form your own opinion. While discovering, you compare different sources of materials and you find contradictions. It’s really important to read with questions in mind. Whether it's a good research question is usually the standard to judge whether it’s agood research. Even the Needham puzzle seems like a crazy question, it really inspires many people. All the existing truth may not be correct, but we have to deal with it carefully and respectfully.
Speaking of questions, it seems that Chinese students are not good at raising questions. What's your view on this issue?
I don't think Chinese students are not good at it, we're just not told to raise questions. When I teach in UK, we have big lectures as well as seminars, smaller classes where students can do their own presentations. When we do exam, we give an essay question and tell students that you need to construct your answer with solid evidence. You are evaluated by how you construct and support your answer with questions but not by how correct your answer is. We don't have a correct answer. I think it's the way we can encourage students to think independently. It's important to sit down to lookfor the gaps in literature where you can find problematic questions.
What is the relationship between Quantitative history research methods (cliometrics) and traditional history research methods?
Quantitative history research is becoming easier these days. Economic history is usually under economics department. Therefore, researchers need to find economic principle in history to satisfy the economic department. Another thing is that historical data is totally different from contemporary data. But historical data can be very rich and one of the main jobs of cliometrician is to compile the data. For instance, interest rates in China for a thousand years were documented in different contracts. We need to look carefully at the claims that interest rate is high or low in a certain period. And we can also use economic theory to understand the long term development of finance in China,which can not be explained in purely narrative economic history. We have to carefully interpret the historical information with a deep knowledge in history and a deep understanding in historical context. Quantitative historians may have an advantage over contemporary researchers because we have a long term view.
How would you evaluate the current research work on history of economics in China? What's the difference do you think between China's economic history research and that of the United States, Britain and Japan?
Things have changed over the last 15 years. When I first graduated from my PHD, there wasn't really much ideas about Chinese economic history. Chinese economic history was quite cut off at that time because Chinese historians only knew about China and didn't have the chance to go abroad, and also because of the lack of methodology. Now economic history is getting very popular in China. We have summer camp, wechat public account, and a lot of excellent economichistorians in Fudan. Things are turning around in many ways. Economic history is not just history for history sakes, it can be interesting to people in the present and also in the future. In US, UK, and Japan, economic history is a well-established field with a lot of scholars and schools, and the scope forbig discovery is somewhat narrow. In comparison, in China, there's still so much to be discovered. If you have the right tools and mindset, I think the future of economic history is quite bright.