Sandra Poncet,巴黎一大经济学教授,国际经济与发展研究中心带头人。她是巴黎经济学院和法国主要智库CEPII科学顾问成员之一,研究关注全球化的背景下经济发展的过程,主要用实证分析方法分析中国经济。研究成果发表在《发展经济学杂志》,《经济和统计学评论》,《世界发展》,《世界银行经济评论》等学术期刊。
近日,复旦大学经济学院海外优秀学者授课项目邀请到巴黎一大Sandra Ponce教授做了题为:Trade and Development in China的讲座。讲座结束之后,Sandra Poncet教授接受了经济学院新闻信息中心的专访。
Q1:When did you become interested in Chinese economy and development?
A1: I did my master in the University of Auvergne in the center of France which has a long established experience on the African economy but started to develop expertise on China. I jumped on the first PhD fellowship focused on China while most of the students there were solely interested in Africa. I started my PhD in 1999.
Q2:When you came to China for the first time, is there any difference with your imagination about China before?
A2: I think my first trip was in 1998. I didn‘t know much about China. At the time, I was doing an internship at the French embassy in Beijing. Every week end I was traveling for tourism purpose.
I think I was not so surprised by the cities. But what really stroked me and the thing I am stillstrickenby is the difference between the cosmo area and the inland.
The massive income gap, culture gap between eastern and western cities. I was impressed to see connectivity and connection between cities and coast which are very similar to western countries. But the rest of China, the inland was so different. That was real very surprised me.
Q3:Have you traveled around China? Which city impressed you most?
A2:The place where I would love to live will definitely be Shanghai. But the place where I would love to spend time and travel would definitely be Sichuan Province. It is very far away when you have somehow Tibetan minorities. It is so peaceful. The sky is blue. Feel theatmosphere. It is great.
Q4:In your opinion, what is the difference between the students from the school of economics in Fudan and Université de Paris 1? What's your comments on the education system?
A4:The funny thing is that in the course I am teaching, there are two French exchange students. So that is not so different. What is nice is that there is somehow expectation, because I'm foreigner and I'm teaching a class on Chinese economy. So I think the students are keener to challenge me and try to see what I really know and know what I am speaking about. But in France, you have status. French students they believe in their professor and believe in what I am talking about. But here I think there is a sense that when I speaking about the reforms in detail, they are truly surprised somehow that I knows more details. They are listening much more because I am speaking about their country. I think they are much more concentrated.
Q5:As far as you know the education in Fudan, do you have any further suggestions to cultivate more talents in this area?
A5:I think most of the exchange programs work very well but more could be done to build our mutual knowledge.
For example, I am having a master program in France which is joint with Fudan. The students they come in France a year,and then they return to Shanghai. But there is no feedback. Sothey concentrated on the teachingthat they receiving in France to succeed in France. And they go to Fudan, they concentrated on the teaching they have in Shanghai. But there is less work on making feedback. It is too bad that we don’t work in the connections between those two years. I hope they would be more interested in what happens in Europe to make them real internationalized.
Q6:As we all know, China raised rapidly during the last 30 years. What is most important force for Chinese development from the past experience?
A6:What I think is very impressive is the capacity of the government to be very clever and pragmatic to move forward. My work is on the economy.I try to evaluate the repercussions of the various policies, such as the opening up, the privatization etc.
Those were engaged by the government. It did not happen freely. But the wise part of the government is to open out pockets for market forces. But as we see, the incremental way is very interesting to study. What I am very impressed with the capacity of the government to learn from mistakes which was not the talent of French authorities. French are very dogmatic and it is very difficult to move backward. In China, you manage to move forward or back forward depending on rational.
Q7:Right now we are during an age of globalization, so which factor have mostly effectedon China’ economy and globalization, for example TPP, TPIP.
A7:My impression is that Chinese development will rely less and less on that outward dimension. So exporting and importing hopefully will be less important. China is losing its cost comparative advantage. Labor cost is increasing. There is no way out but it is something very positive. It means people are getting richer and this is what you should care about. So as China grows richer, it has less and less capacity to export cheap goods.
The point is that the future of China’s development will become much more normal, more balanced with more domestic consumption. It is good to rely less and less on the international market.China should depend more on domestic consumption. Your people will enjoy the fruits of more balanced growth. For the people, not for the foreign consumers.So far most of the Chinese growth has been caught by the consumers in the international market through the cheap prices of exported goods from China. Now it is the turn of Chinese workers and consumers to benefit.
Q8:We all know that two years ago, Shanghai set thefree trade zone. What’s your commenton Shanghai free trade zone?
A8:I not actually an expert on the Shanghai free tradezone. My impressions is that this project is not really about trade. It is related to financial services and service reform. My impression is that it doesn’t deliver as much fruits and benefits as it could or was hoped. There is no massive engagement from foreign investors. Only one university and some hospitals settled there but it is not massive. I have no direct data to evaluate properly but I think that the zone didn’t manage to completely deliverthe expected benefits. But I understand the decision of government to again beworking slowly and securely. They are massive challenges with financial liberalization. It is related to financial stability.