题目:Carbon Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the United States
主讲人:哈佛大学 Mun Ho 博士
Mun Ho received his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard
University in 1989 and works at the China Project, Harvard University SEAS. He is also a Visiting Scholar at Resources for the Future and at Tsinghua
University National Institute for Fiscal Studies. His research is focused on economic growth, productivity, taxation and environmental economics. He
co-authored a 2005 book, Information Technology and the American Growth Resurgence, which traced the adoption of IT by U.S. industries, and the parallel growth of highly educated workers. He
is a Senior Economist at Dale Jorgenson Associates and worked on modeling energy and environmental policies for the U.S. Dept. of Energy and EPA. This
research is in his co-authored book Double Dividend: Environmental Taxes and Fiscal Reform in the US (MIT Press 2013).
His work on Chinese energy use and environmental policy is reported in 2013 book he co-edited, Clearer Skies over China: Reconciling Air Quality, Climate
and Economic Goals.
主持人:吴力波 教授
时间:2014年6月17日 9:30-11:00