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复旦大学世界经济研究所60周年庆系列活动之开放经济与世界经济学术报告第192期:Firm-Level Trade and Innovation: Insights from China

  发布日期:2024-10-08  浏览次数:

主题:Firm-Level Trade and Innovation: Insights from China

主讲:赵腾宇  讲师

会议时间:2024年10月8日 13:30-15:00


内容简介:How does international trade influence firms' innovation incentives, and how do trade and innovation together drive economic growth? We address these questions using firm-level data from China, forming two complementary projects. In the first project, we develop a dynamic general equilibrium model of endogenous innovation and trade to examine the contribution of the trade-innovation link to long-term gains from trade. In the second project, we reveal a novel mechanism by which export demand shocks stimulate firm R&D investment, beyond the traditional market size effect.

个人简介:赵腾宇,复旦大学经济学院讲师。于2024年获得香港科技大学经济学博士,主要研究领域为国际贸易、创新以及中国经济。当前工作论文聚焦于中国企业进出口和创新决策的密切关系,旨在为贸易政策和创新政策的制定提供事实与理论依据。已有论文被国际期刊Review of Economics and Statistics正式接收。
