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Zhou, Wen, Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong We study how an industry reorganizes through mergers and divestitures in the face of exogenous shocks...
Gary Tian, Associate Professor, University of Wollongong We investigate the impact of CEO’s compensation-based and promotion-based incentives on firm perfor...
题目:Family Ties and Organizational Design: Evidence from Chinese Private Firms 主讲:Zhou, Li-An, Associate Professor, Guanghua Management School, Peking U...
题目:Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment 主讲:Cai, Hongbin, Professer, Guanghua Managment S...
题目:Auctioning Litigation Rights in Class Action Suits 主讲人:Sui, Yong, Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University This paper studies the optimal ...
主讲人:Hongbing Li,School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University In China, traditional son preference combined with modern sex selection technolo...