Edwin L.-C. Lai(黎麟祥)教授于1980年获得香港大学工程学士学位,1988年获得斯坦福大学经济学硕士学位,1991年获得斯坦福大学经济学博士学位。1991年8月至2007年8月,黎教授先后在范德堡大学、香港城市大学和新加坡管理大学任教。2007年8月至2009年6月,黎教授被聘为美国联邦储备局属下的达拉斯联邦储备银行的高级研究经济学家和顾问。2009年7月,他开始在香港科技大学担任经济学教授,及后兼任经济发展中心主任。黎教授的主要研究领域是国际贸易、产业组织、经济增长、人民币国际化。他还是运用经济学研究国际知识产权政策互动的领导学者。其论文曾在American Economic Review,RAND Journal of Economics,International Economic Review,Journal of International Economics等国际权威期刊上发表。
2017.12.19-12.23的第63期蒋学模经济学讲座,邀请到黎麟祥教授带来了题为:Advanced International Trade的系列课程,之后黎麟祥教授接受了经济学院新闻信息中心的专访。
In the beginning, you did not study economics. You studied engineering at the University of Hong Kong and received a Bachelor degree in 1980. After that, you switched to economics and received a doctorate ineconomics from Stanford University in 1991. What was your reason for makingsuch a change? Is there any interesting story or unforgettable experience?
I think I do have some interesting stories to tell you, I studied engineering in University of Hong Kong,and in fact I practiced civil engineering for five years before I decided to go to the US to study economics. At that time I found being an engineer in Hong Kong was quite boring. I graduated from HKU in 1980, which was the time when China’s open door policy just started. In early 1980s the urban reform and the enterprises reform began. There were lots of challenges, and I was fascinated by it. So, I really wanted to be part of this process. So I decided to pursue doctoral study in economics so as to know economics and contribute to Chinese economic development.
You have done a lot of research on intellectual property protection, and you are also a leading scholar in the study of intellectual property rights in the global economy. Why are you so concerned about the issue of intellectual property protection?
Well, I’m interested in this area partly because of my engineering background.. Before I studied economics, I have been very much a person of science. When I was in high school, my favorite subjects were physics, chemistry and mathematics. Intellectual property protection is very much related to science and technology.It’s easier for an engineer to think about intellectual property protection issues, because we are technology people. When I graduated from Stanford, my interests were economic growth and innovation. I was interested in innovation as I had anengineering background. Considering all these factors, it is not hard to see why I’m interested in studying intellectual property protection.
You have been avisiting scholar at Boston University,Princeton University,Kobe University,University of Munich and many other universities,and have taught at Vanderbilt University, City University of Hong Kong and Singapore Management University and Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology. How does this multi-cultural background affect your research and life?
Yes, I think that’s a very good question. I feel that I’m a world citizen. , I have lived in different parts of world: I have lived in the US for 16 years, in Singapore as well as HongKong, where I grew up. I feel that I can appreciate many cultures after going through this experience. I like to meet people from different backgrounds, and I can appreciate their culture more. I identify myself less and less as a Chinese or a ”HongKonger”.For example,I can feel very comfortable living in the US, Hong Kong and Singapore. , I can imagine if I live in Europe, I can still feel very comfortable. I can always enjoy different cultures. For example, I enjoy Japanese food and culture, I enjoy being very free in the US and I enjoy being in their bookstores. In HK, of course I enjoy the food and convenience of living there. In China I appreciate the culture and the history. So anywhere I go, I can find something interesting. Each country has its strength.
You are concerned about the internationalization of RMB and its exchange rate dynamics. Since the beginning of 2017,RMB has been appreciating against the US dollar, and the exchange rate has been all the way up and broke through 6.5 on September 7 this year. What do you think of this?
The RMB has been on a depreciating trend ever since mid-2015 until around the beginning of 2017. Even though this year it has appreciated, it still has not gotten back to the level of mid-2015, which was around 6.2. I think it’s good, it’s good it can get back to the current level. I think it is the result of two factors. First, the market believes that the Chinese economic growth is picking up again. Second, it can also because of government policy --- the Chinese government had implemented measures to prevent capital outflow. I think it is because of both reasons. On the one hand, there is government policy that reduces capital outflows; on the other hand, the market’s confidence of Chinese economic growth had increased.
Could you share with us the topics of your recent research, and your current academic and personal life?
About my research, I’m doing all sorts of research at the same time. I’m working on the economics of the global value chain, law and economics of intellectual property protection, and RMB internationalization.
I really enjoy my life now. I have a good job. I’m very lucky being a professor in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. It is a very good university, the research environment and physical environment are both very good. I have good colleagues. HK is a very convenient place, it is very free. Because we can access all sort of informations in HK, it is relatively easy to do academic research in HK. Moreover, many prominent scholars visit HK from all parts of world. As for my personal life, I go hiking all the time. HK is a great place for hiking. People probably don’t know that. In fact, I go hiking almost once every 2 weeks.
Could you give some suggestions for the undergraduate students majoring in economics?
I would say, first of all, congratulations, FUDAN has a very good undergraduate economics program. There are many outstanding graduates from FUDAN, and I personally know some of them. I think I would suggest students to try to study economics beyond the undergraduate level, e.g. try to do a master or a PHD. I encourage them to go overseas to study, because it’s really an eye-opening experience. When you go overseas, you are able to not only learn from some great foreign academics, but also have the chance to live in a foreign country and expose to foreign culture. I think it is a very valuable experience.