主题:Distortion Propagation through Production Networks: Theory and Implications
主讲:江波 助理教授
会议时间:2024年11月19日 13:30-15:00
内容简介:How does an economy's production structure determine its macroeconomic response to micro-level distortions? We introduce capital and rent rebates into a canonical single-factor input-output model and show that away from the efficiency equilibrium, distortions can have nontrivial impacts on the macroeconomy through a capital reallocation and a rent rebate channel. We further show how nominal GDP as well as price margins contribute to these two channels. The two channels give rise to both upstream as well as downstream propagation mechanisms, which have implications for industrial policy. We develop two sufficient statistics to rank sectoral importance in propagating disturbance. Using Chinese input-output data in 2007, we show that subsidizing infrastructure facilities such as electricity, heat, and power-generating sectors could have the largest impact on the real GDP.
个人简介:江波,乔治华盛顿大学经济学博士,现任西交利物浦大学国际商学院助理教授。他的研究领域主要为货币经济学、金融经济学和网络经济学。已有研究成果入选欧洲金融学年会、欧洲计量经济学年会等顶级会议,以及发表在Empirical Economics、Emerging Markets Review、International Review of Finance and Economics等国际学术期刊。