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陈诗一教授英文学术专著Energy, Environment and Economic Transformation in China由著名出版集团Routledge Taylor & Francis Group在英美加同步正式出版

  发布日期:2013-04-25  浏览次数:1650

Chen, Shiyi, 2013, Energy, Environment and Economic Transformation in China, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York.

陈诗一教授的英文学术专著Energy, Environment and Economic Transformation in China近日由著名出版集团Routledge Taylor & Francis Group在英美加同步正式出版。这本专著汇聚了作者近年来在中国能源经济、环境经济和可持续发展领域的最新研究成果,向国际学术界系统介绍了中国资源和环境制约型经济发展的历程、政府节约能源和保护环境的种种努力和中国经济转型升级的现状和前景。作者运用国际上前沿的分析技术和独特的中国投入产出数据库,从能源和环境维度对中国各行业和各地区的可持续发展情景进行了评估和预测,为政府实施基于市场机制的环境规制政策提供了诸多建设性意见。该专著包含了作者多方面的创新研究内容,包括对环境全要素生产率的度量、对我国绿色工业革命的分析、对二氧化碳影子价格的计算、对可持续发展评估指数的讨论、对节能减排结构红利的定义、对双重红利和双赢发展概念的提出等等。全书264页,由十一章构成,包含了大量图表和数据。


专著内容介绍 (见下)

Energy, Environment and Economic Transformation in China

By Shiyi Chen

Published 7th March 2013 by Routledge – 264 pages


China has achieved rapid economic growth since the market-oriented reform in 1978 and became the second largest economy in the world in 2010. However, the growth model in China is still extensive in nature and may be characterized with high energy consumption and heavy environmental pollutions etc. In fact, China has successively become the largest carbon emitter since 2007 and the largest energy consumer since 2009 in the world. This book endeavors to analyze whether such energy driven and environment restricted economic growth can be sustainable in China in the long run.

The book describes the basic situations of energy consumption and environmental pollution in China from the dimensions of industries, regions and energy-types. It also introduces the evolution of energy and environmental policies implemented in China. In particular, this book makes use of the environmental activity analysis model to assess the sustainable transformation of economic model in Chinese industries and regions. This model captures the negative externalities of pollutants and estimates the environmental total factor productivity accurately. The possibilities of win-win development and double dividend are also forecasted.

This book proposes new methods to measure the environmental total factor productivity, evaluate the process of low carbon transformation, quantify the structural bonus, estimate the abating cost and forecast the win-win development and so on. Researchers may find these methodologies useful for measuring other pollutants and for analysis in other countries.


List of Figures

List of Tables


1 Introduction

2 Industrial and regional composition of energy-induced CO2 emissions

3 How to reduce industrial CO2 emission intensity?

4 Measure of CO2 shadow price

5 Energy and environmental policies and factors driven industrial growth

6 Structural change, factors reallocation and industrial growth

7 Undesirable output, environmental TFP and industrial economic transformation

8 Evaluation on regional low-carbon economic transformation: multiple emissions

9 Energy-saving and emission-abating regulations and win-win development simulations

10 Double dividend forecasting and environmental taxation reform: carbon tax case

11 Conclusions





List of Figures

1.1 Industrial gross output, energy consumption and CO2 emission in China, 1980-2010

1.2 The trend of main economic indicators for light industry, heavy industry and aggregated industry

2.1 The industrial composition of CO2 emission in China (1995-2007)

2.2 The change of CO2 intensity for different industries in China (1995-2007)

2.3 The Change of CO2 intensity in production sector for different regions (1995-2007)

2.4 The industrial composition of CO2 emission in Shanghai (1995-2007)

2.5 The change of CO2 intensity for different industries in Shanghai (1995-2007)

2.6 The ratios of capital to labor of three regions in China (1995-2007)

2.7 The structural change of three industries in China (1995-2007)

2.8 The structural change of three industries in Shanghai (1996-2008)

2.9 Three primary energy consumptions and their composition in China (1995-2007)

2.10 Three primary energy consumptions and their composition in Shanghai (1995-2007)

2.11 Types composition of energy consumption for 6 industries in China

2.12 Types composition of energy consumption for 6 industries in Shanghai

3.1 CO2 Emissions in China (1953-2008)

3.2 CO2 Emissions among Countries (1965-2006)

3.3 Industrial CO2 Intensity (1980-2008)

3.4 Industrial CO2 Intensity Index and Its Influential Factors through Decomposition (1981-2008)

3.5 The Structure of Primary Energy Consumption in Chinese Industry (1980-2008)

3.6 Change of output structure between low and high energy and emission groups (1980-2008)

3.7 Industrial energy consumption, energy intensity and its sub-industrial contribution (1980-2008)

3.8 Energy intensity among different economies (1980-2004)

3.9 Energy consumption among different economies (1965-2006)

4.1 The estimated shadow price of CO2 emission for aggregated industry, light and heavy industry using parametric method (1980-2008)

4.2 The estimated shadow price of CO2 emission for aggregated industry, light and heavy industry using nonparametric method (1980-2008)

4.3 Four industrial green productivity indexes calculated using two types of shadow price of CO2 emission (1980-2008)

5.1 Sectoral contributions to aggregate industrial TFP growth in China

5.2 Averaged TFP level for aggregated industry and different industrial groups

6.1 TFP growth and its decomposition of technical progress, scale effect and structural effect in Chinese industry

6.2 The distortion of factors allocation and structural adjustment effect for Chinese industry as a whole

7.1 Principle of Shephard and Directional Distance Function

7.2 Average MLPI/MLECH/MLTCH of light, heavy and aggregated industry estimated by model 4

8.1 The averaging TFP growth estimated using regional GDP and gross output in China (1981-2010)

8.2 The averaging trend of evaluation composite indicator of low-carbon transformation for different region and China as a whole (1986-2010)

9.1 Design of carbon dioxide abatement paths (1-9) for Chinese industry (2009-2049)

9.2 Principle of directional output distance Function under the assumption of free and weak disposability for undesirable outputs (bads)

9.3 Sub-Industrial win-win development forecasts under the best energy-saving and emission-abating Path (2009-2049)

9.4 Averaged industrial win-win development forecasts under the best energy-saving and emission-abating Path (2009-2049)

9.5 Averaged productivity forecasts and its decomposition under the best energy-saving and emission-abating path (2009-2049)

10.1 The principle of optimal environmental taxation

10.2 The principle to measure MAC using two types of directional distance function

10.3 Estimates and forecasts of marginal abatement cost for sub-industrial CO2 emission

10.4 One-year-ahead forecasting of value-added and CO2 intensity under the scenario of carbon tax levy

10.5 Forecasting sectoral CO2 emission intensity in Chinese industry (2009-2020)

List of Tables

1.1 Descriptive statistics of main sub-industrial variables used in this book (1980-2010)

1.2 Descriptive statistics of main provincial variables used in this book

3.1 Industrial CO2 Intensity Index and its LMDI Decomposition in China (1980-2008)

4.1 Estimation results of parametric method

4.2 The estimated shadow price of CO2 for each industrial sector (unit: 10000 RMB /ton CO2)

5.1 Industrial Sectors\\\\\\\' Ranking from the Lowest to Highest Based on Energy and Emission in 2004

5.2 Estimates of Fixed-Effects (within) Regression of Translog Production Function

5.3 Sources of Chinese Industrial Growth

6.1 Measure of structural effect, TFP growth and growth accounting in Chinese industry

6.2 The determinants analysis of structural effect (SCE)

7.1 TFP Estimates and its Decomposition for Chinese Industry in the Literatures

7.2 Average Index of Productivity, Technical Progress and Efficiency for Chinese industry Estimated by 4 Models

7.3 The average development speed of outputs, inputs and productivity estimated by 4 models during different periods

7.4 Sub-industrial Green Growth Accounting Analysis based on Model 4 (1981-2008)

7.5 The change of sub-industrial CO2 emission at end of Five Plan relative to that end of last period (%)

7.6 Innovative Industries Identified by Model 3 and 4

8.1 The provincial environmental efficiency, super efficiency and clustering efficiency scores in 2009 estimated by SBM-DDF-AAM method in China

8.2 The provincial evaluation indicators of low-carbon transformation in China

9.1 Win-win development forecasts corresponding to different energy-saving and emission-abating Paths

10.1 Comparison of Forecasting Error and Choice of Forecasting Model

10.2 The Effect of MAC on Economic and Ecological Variable: Polynomial Dynamic Panel Model (1980-2008)

A.1 The Codes and Name of 38 Industrial Sectors analyzed in this book

A.2 Sub-industrial Gross Output Value (1990=100, unit: 100 million RMB)

A.3 Sub-industrial Carbon Dioxide Emission (unit: 10 thousand tons)

A.4 Sub-industrial Capital Stock (1990=100, unit: 100 million RMB)

A.5 Sub-industrial Labor Forces (unit: 10 thousand workers)

A.6 Sub-industrial Energy Consumption (unit: 10 thousand tce)

A.7 Provincial GDP (2005=100, unit: 100 million RMB)

A.8 Provincial Carbon Dioxide Emission (unit: 10 thousand tons)

A.9 Provincial COD Emission (unit: 10 thousand tons)

A.10 Provincial SO2 Emission (unit: 10 thousand tons)

A.11 Provincial Capital Stock (2005=100, unit: 100 million RMB)

A.12 Provincial Labor Forces (unit: 10 thousand workers)

A.13 Provincial Energy Consumption (unit: 10 thousand tce)
