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青简飨宴 | 经济学院青年教师沙龙

  发布日期:2024-05-31  浏览次数:


吴弘 复旦大学经济学院

复旦大学经济学院讲师,美国匹兹堡大学经济学博士(2015),香港理工大学助理教授(2015-2019),在国际权威期刊发表如Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Corporate Finance. 最近研究兴趣为公司金融。

论文一:Local Environmental Beliefs and Corporate Environmental Performance

摘要:This paper examines the impact of local environmental beliefs on corporate environmental performance. We demonstrate a negative relation between county-level pro-environmental beliefs and plant-level toxic emissions. This correlation is particularly pronounced when the firm has a larger local investor base and more local stakeholders. Furthermore, stronger pro-environmental local beliefs are associated with stricter enforcement of environmental regulations, greater judge support for and higher volume of environmental lawsuits, and better compliance. Finally, we show that local environmental beliefs affect internal emission redistributions within firms. Overall, our findings highlight the significant role that local environmental beliefs play in shaping corporate environmental decisions.


论文二:Environmental Litigation Risk and Corporate Misconduct

摘要:Environmental regulations are important constraints to corporate environmental decision-making. In this paper, we examine how environmental and social (ES) litigation risk affects related corporate misconduct. We measure ES-related litigation risk by using the political ideology of circuit judges and find that higher ex-ante ES litigation risk is associated with more corporate ES misconducts. Such effect is stronger when firms are financially constrained. We then examine investor reactions and firm responses to heightened ES litigation risk. We find that investors react negatively to liberal judge appointments, and such effect is present among firms with lower ESG profiles. These firms also reduce capital investments, conduct fewer acquisitions but have higher-quality green patents. Overall, we explore a novel and important determinant on corporate environmental performance.

