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  发布日期:2015-04-13  浏览次数:



Seminar on “Free trade zones and international taxation of global business in the post-BEPS era”

复旦大学公共经济研究中心 国际财税文献局(IBFD)

Center for Public Economy Research / International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation


Time: April 22, 2015


Place: Room 805, School of Economics, Fudan University


Working Language: Chinese/English (with simultaneous interpretation)

08:30 –08:35

开场介绍(复旦大学公共经济研究中心执行主任 杜莉副教授)

Introduction (By Ms. Li Du, from School of Economics, FDU, Executive director of CPER)

08:35 –08:45致欢迎辞(复旦大学经济学院党委书记 公共经济研究中心主任 石磊教授)

Opening remarks (By Mr. Lei Shi, from School of Economics, FDU, Professor & Director of CPER)

08:45–09:05: 资本输出时代中国税制的变革需求(中国社科院财经战略研究院研究员 杨志勇)

China tax reform in the capital exporting era (By Mr. Zhiyong Yang, from China Social Science Academy, Research fellow)

09:05-09:25: 上海自由贸易区税收及国际税收管理问题(上海市税务局副局长,龚祖英)

The tax issues in Shanghai on the free trade zone and cross-border tax administration (By Ms. Zuying Gong, from Shanghai Tax Bureau, Deputy chief)

09:25-09:45: BEPS与中国转让定价(毕马威转让定价合伙人,牛悟得/梁浩然)

BEPS and China transfer pricing (By Mr. Brett A. Norwood & Hoyin Leung, from KPMG, Partner)

09:45-10:05: 上海自贸区实行全行业“营改增”的可行性(上海左券律师事务所合伙人,严锡忠)

On the replacing Business Tax with VAT in all industries in Shanghai free trade zone (By Mr. Xizhong Yan, from Shanghai Zuoquan Law Firm, Parner)

10:05-10:15: 评论

Remarks (IBFD学术委员会主席:Prof. Pasquale Pistone) (By Mr. Pasquale Pistone, from IBFD, Professor and Chair of Academic Committee)

10:15-10:35 茶歇 Tea Break

10:35-10:55: 中国对外投资企业的避税地运作及其避税效应(杜莉)

The practices and effects of the tax haven operations of China’s ODI companies (By Ms. Li Du, from School of Economics, Fudan University, Executive director of CPER)

10:55-11:15: “BEPS”与税收激励 (IBFD学术委员会主席:Prof. Pasquale Pistone)

Tax Incentives andthe ‘BEPS’ (By Mr. Pasquale Pistone, from IBFD, Professor and Chair of Academic Committee)

11:15-11:35: 欧盟国家的自由贸易区案例分析(IBFD教授:Prof. Jan de Goede)

Remarks on an example of free trade zone in the European Union (By Mr. Jan de Goede, from IBFD, Professor)

11:35-11:45: 评论(复旦大学经济学院公共经济学系主任,张中祥教授)

Remarks (by Mr. Zhongxiang Zhang, from School of Economics, FDU, Chair of Department of Public Economics, Professor)

11:45-12:00: 提问与交流 Q&A

12:00-12:15: IBFD关于BRICS 和GTTC的新书介绍

Presentation of the recent IBFD book on the BRICS and of the GTTC

12:15-12:30: 总结与展望 (石磊)

Conclusions and remarks on future research perspectives (By Prof. Lei Shi, from School of Economics, FDU, Professor & Director of CPER)
