Alumni Activities

Alumnus Visited to Share Business Experience
Time:2019-05-13     Click:
On the evening of Dec. 4, 2012, Mr. Robert Halasz, who graduated from the English master program in Chinese economy in 2010, spoke to the current students of the program about his experience starting his own business after he finished the master program at Fudan.

An intense interest in China motivated the Hungary-born youngster to pursue his master in China. Two years at Fudan brought him fluency in Chinese, many new friends, and more importantly an understanding of the real China. After graduation, he became cofounder and Chief for Development in the Asia-Pacific Area at Mila, now a one-year old business that has over 20000 users. Despite the enviable achievement, Robert and his team have greater expectations of the fast-growing company.

Robert started his speech with his experience at Fudan. In addition to learning about Chinese economy from the professors, he was also eager to take part in various activities through which he made friends and built teamwork skills. He recalled with pride the dragon-boat racing at which he and his team members won the first place. Next Robert suggested the importance of mapping out one’s future career as a student so as to get ready for starting up a business afterwards.

Robert told the audience how Mila came into life through the joint efforts of his team. He said some people are overwhelmed by difficulties arising from the lack of self-confidence, the status of a foreigner living in a strange country, insufficient information related to staring businesses, but the point is starting a business can be the job of a team who try to find solutions together: Although you are not omniscient you can have partners who know about the things that you don’t. The speech was followed by interaction between Robert and the audience who asked various questions about the master program and Mila. Finally Robert said he much enjoyed the evening and would be glad to talk again at Fudan with the students of the Chinese economy program.