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劳动与社会保障前沿系列讲座第1期:健康经济学讲座 —— 微观计量方法的应用

  发布日期:2017-06-21  浏览次数:

题目1 Investing in the Womb

时间:2017年6月21日 13:30-15:30

题目2 Environment and Early Life Health Trajectories

时间:2017年6月22日 13:30-15:30








题目1 Investing in the Womb 的参考文献

1. Almond D, Mazumder B. Fetal Origins and Parental Responses. Annual Review of Economics, 2013, 5(1):37-56.

2. Anukriti, S., Sonia Bhalotra, Hiu Tam. Missing Girls: Ultrasound Access and Excess Female Mortality. Working paper, 2015

3. Bharadwaj P, Lakdawala L K. Discrimination Begins in the Womb: Evidence of Sex-Selective Prenatal Investments. Journal of Human Resources, 2013, 48(1):71-113.

4. Chen, X. and N. Anand. 2017. Investing in the Womb: Identifying Gender Discrimination through the Lens of Parental Ultrasound. The 2017 Meltzer Award Winning Paper, Yale Department of Economics.

5. Lhila A, Simon K I. Prenatal health investment decisions: does the child's sex matter? Demography, 2008, 45(4):885-905.

6. Hongbin Li, Yuyu Chen, and Lingsheng Meng. Prenatal Sex Selection and Missing Girls in China: Evidence from the Diffusion of Diagnostic Ultrasound. Journal of Human Resources, 2013, 48(1):36-70.

7. Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994. From Wikipedia


8. 中华人民共和国国家人口与计划生育委员会、中华人民共和国卫生部、国家药品监督管理局. 关于禁止非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别的人工终止妊娠的规定[Z]. 2002.11.29

9. 国家卫生计生委法制司,《禁止非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别人工终止妊娠的规定》解读,2016.4.20 http://www.nhfpc.gov.cn/fzs/s3576/201604/afd96c68d334423cbb6c0f075d3a04c8.shtml

题目2 Environment and Early Life Health Trajectories 的参考文献

1. Currie J, Zivin J G, Mullins J, et al. What Do We Know About Short- and Long-Term Effects of Early-Life Exposure to Pollution. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2014, 6(1):217-247.

2. Measuring Early Life Health Conditions Past, Present and Future. Beyond Birth Weight Workshop Report, 2014.

3. Chen, X., H. Deng. and Y. Zhang. 2017. Beyond Birth Weight: The Impact of Early Life Exposure to Air Pollution. Unpublished working paper.

4. Papageorghiou A T, Ohuma E O, Altman D G, et al. International standards for fetal growth based on serial ultrasound measurements: the Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study of the INTERGROWTH-21st Project. Lancet, 2014, 384(9946):869.

5. Aizer A, Currie J. The intergenerational transmission of inequality: Maternal disadvantage and health at birth. Science, 2014, 344(6186):856-61.

6. Currie, Janet. Inequality at Birth: Some Causes and Consequences. NBER Working Papers, 2011.

7. Currie J. Inequality at Birth: Some Causes and Consequences. American Economic Review, 2011, 101(3):1-22.

8. Persico C, Figlio D, Roth J. Inequality Before Birth: The Developmental Consequences of Environmental Toxicants. Nber Working Papers, 2016.

9. Bharadwaj, Prashant, et al. Gray Matters: Fetal Pollution Exposure and Human Capital Formation. Nber Working Papers, 2014.

10. Bharadwaj P, Gibson M, Graff Zivin J, et al. Gray Matters: Fetal Pollution Exposure and Human Capital Formation. Social Science Electronic Publishing, 2014, 12(5):507-584.

11. Graff Zivin J, Neidell M. Environment, Health, and Human Capital. Journal of Economic Literature, 2013, 51(3):689-730.
